April Vacation Exploration: Forest and Field Exploration
This event happened in the past.1:00pm - 2:30pm
Slocum's River Reserve
285 Horseneck Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Latitude: 41.551973
Longitude: -71.009409
Adventure into the woods at Slocum’s River Reserve with the Buzzards Bay Coalition and The Trustees during school vacation week! We’ll meet some trees, explore the forest floor, and discover how animals rely on this habitat for food and shelter.
This is one of two April Vacation Exploration programs taking place during April Vacation week in partnership with The Trustees. The other is a Vernal Pool Exploration at Copicut Woods in Fall River on Tuesday, April 18.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 999-6363 x219