Woodcock Walk
This event happened in the past.Falmouth, MA 02540
With the arrival of spring comes The 300 Committee‘s annual ritual of observing the courtship display of the American woodcock ― an experience not to be missed! At dusk, these reclusive woodland birds make their way out of the woods to an open field. The males strut, call, and launch themselves into the air in a wide, spiraling flight from which they whirr, twitter and zigzag back to earth. With luck, a male will win a female’s attention.
Park just before 7:00pm at the Locust Street lot for the Shining Sea Bikeway, cross Woods Hole Road at the crosswalk, and meet as a group by the big rock/bench at the beginning of the stretch of bike path headed toward Woods Hole.
The group will walk for a few minutes down the bike path together (starting at 7:00) to a spot along the path where we will be able to hear and (with luck) see woodcocks displaying. There will be an almost full moon, but bring flashlights just in case. Dress very warmly, spring evenings can be quite chilly. Drizzle or driving rain will cancel the outing.
Cost: Free