Monitoring and Improving the Health of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound
This event happened in the past.Martha’s Vineyard, MA 02535
At this talk, Coalition President Mark Rasmussen will discuss his organization’s 25-year program to track and report trends in coastal water quality in Buzzards Bay and the recent addition of Vineyard Sound and its salt ponds to that effort. In 2012, the Coalition began monitoring central Vineyard Sound and added Menemsha/Squibnocket, James, and Tashmoo Ponds in 2017. The results of this monitoring help guide water quality protection projects as well as restoration planning and action. Rasmussen will also discuss the Coalition’s work and its recent successes in tackling nitrogen pollution from wastewater, wetlands restoration, and watershed land conservation – all of which have strong parallels with efforts underway on Martha’s Vineyard.
Cost: Free