Park Serve Day Horseneck Beach Cleanup

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
10:00am - 12:00pm
Horseneck Beach State Reservation
Horseneck Beach State Reservation
251 John Reed Rd.
Westport, MA 02790

Join the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation to clean up Westport’s Horseneck Beach for Annual Park Serve Day!

Since Park Serve Day began in 2006, tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents have helped to prepare Massachusetts state parks and beaches for the summer recreation season.

Meet at the Horseneck Beach main parking lot. Water and gloves will be provided; be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Category: Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Hosted By: Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Free EventKid-Friendly Event
crashing waves at Horseneck Beach State Reservation in Westport

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