Learn to Fish
This event happened in the past.6:00pm - 7:30pm
Myles Standish State Forest - Fearing Pond
Fearing Pond Rd. & Doctors Pond Rd.
Carver, MA 02360
Carver, MA 02360
Have you ever wanted to learn how to fish? Now’s your chance! Let the MassWildlife Angler Education Program and the Buzzards Bay Coalition be your guide. Join us at Fearing Pond in Myles Standish State Forest, where we’ll have equipment, terminal tackle, and live bait you can use. You’ll learn the basics of fishing, from casting out to baiting up. Come try your hand at this great pastime — you’ll be guaranteed to catch some fun!
Registration is limited to 30 people.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 999-6363 x219