Birding Workshop: Sneaky, Streaky, Brown Jobs
This event happened in the past.Plymouth, MA 02360
Sparrows constitute one of the most challenging groups of birds regularly encountered by Massachusetts birders. They often occur seasonally in large numbers in weed fields, garden plots, salt marshes, in thickets along woodland edges, and at winter bird feeders. Their conservative plumage and furtive habits make them both challenging to locate and to identify. Fortunately some of their songs are among the richest in the bird world.
This lecture will be in the Wildlands Trust Community Conservation Barn, and is presented in partnership with the South Shore Bird Club. Wayne will provide participants with a general understanding of the habitats that sparrows prefer, the status of different sparrows in Massachusetts, and how to distinguish different species when they are encountered in the field.
Participants are also invited to join the South Shore Bird Club’s field trip on Sunday, October 13th to Cumberland Farms, which will give everyone a chance to test identification techniques presented during the lecture. Further details about the field trip will be provided on the night of the lecture.
Cost: Free