URGENT – Watershed Ride Route & Weather Update

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The weather forecast for Sunday’s Watershed Ride includes rain, 50 degree temps, challenging winds, and even higher wind gusts. With your safety in mind, and after consultation with the US Army Corps of Engineers – which manages the Bourne Bridge and recommends that we do not allow pedestrians to cross – we have made adjustments to Sunday’s ride route.

Discover Buzzards Bay Sponsored By
  • The Watershed Ride will now end at Eastover Farm in Rochester. THERE WILL BE NO FINISH IN WOODS HOLE.
  • Cyclists may begin in Little Compton and complete their ride in Rochester, for a total of 65 miles. Or they can begin at Horseneck Beach in Westport and end in Rochester, for a total of 40 miles.
  • For cyclists who were planning to ride 35 miles, you can now start at 10 am in Westport and ride 40 miles.
  • The Little Compton start remains at 9 am, with check-in opening at 7:30 am.
  • The Westport start remains at 10 am, with check-in opening at 8:30 am.
  • For riders who park at either the Little Compton or Westport starts, there will be a shuttle available to take belongings to the finish in Rochester.
  • Shuttles will be available to take cyclists who park in Rochester to the Little Compton start, leaving Eastover Farm at 7 am.
  • Shuttles will be available to take cyclists who park in Rochester to the Westport start, leaving Eastover Farm at 8:15 am.
  • After completing the Ride, shuttles will be available to take cyclists, their bikes, and belongings from Rochester back to the Little Compton and Westport starts. These shuttles will leave every hour from 1 to 4 pm.
  • Food trucks will be available at the finish with hot food and drinks, where cyclists may also pick up their swag bags and any fundraising prizes.

If you already signed up for a shuttle, your spot is still reserved. If you would like to be added to a shuttle, please email events@savebuzzardsbay.org.

Like the Coalition cares about the health and safety of the Bay, we also care deeply about the health and safety of our event participants. Should you elect not to participate on Sunday, registration fees will be rolled-over to next year’s event, as highlighted in the cancellation policy FAQ. If you do choose to ride, please come dressed and prepared to deal with slippery roads, high winds and cold temperatures.

We’re available to answer any questions that you might have (events@savebuzzardsbay.org or 508-999-6363) and are grateful for your support of the Watershed Ride and the Buzzards Bay Coalition.

Stay tuned for communication about a Watershed Ride party in the near future. We are planning a way for riders to get together, celebrate their amazing fundraising, have some great food and drinks, and for us at the Coalition to say thank you.

Category: On the Land

Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: