We are committed to providing quality programs that are safe for all participants and their families. Read about our safety and certification protocols below.
We are committed to providing quality programs this summer that are safe for all participants and their families. Our limited on-the-water programs ensure that we operate safely within guidelines set by the state and governing bodies dealing with the regulation of watersports and youth activities.
The following measures are taken by the Onset Bay Center summer program staff:
- 1:5 staff to child ratios, with no fewer than 2 staff members with the group at all time, and a maximum of 10 participants per group. Children remain in their group for the majority of their week, excepting lunch times and elective activity times, where they may intermix with other groups
- Groups are led by a team of highly trained and qualified staff members. Lead Instructors are a minimum of 18 years of age and have either their US Sailing Level 1 Instructor or American Canoe Association Level 1 or 2 Paddle Instructor course, based on their program of focus. All instructors also hold current First Aid, CPR, and AED certifications and participate in an in-house training week prior to summer program. All staff and volunteers undergo CORI checks and Child Protection training prior to hire with our organization, and are trained according to their in-program responsibilities.
- All participants, including staff, wear properly fitted PFDs (personal floating devices) at ALL times while on boats, on docks, or in water over 2ft in depth. This is the law for anyone under the age of 12. Children only go in the water when supervised by staff and always with PFDs. Certified lifeguards are present whenever swim programs are in session. All participants wear appropriate footwear at ALL times while in program, limiting the risk of falls or injuries while during program.
- All participants participate in water confidence and PFD checks on the first day of programs, as long as weather conditions are safe to do so. This consists of a safety brief and a check for water confidence, meaning verification that children are comfortable wearing an appropriately fitted PFD in the water. We ask that participants communicate personal limitations and let an OBC staff member know when they notice water hazards (hazardous underwater animals, natural features, etc.).
- Regular cleaning and maintenance procedures for our facility, boating equipment, and PFDs, daily and weekly.
Health Care Consultant, Kayla!
- The Onset Bay Center is closed to the public during programs, and doors are locked and monitored by staff when children are present in the facility.
- Meet our Health Care Consultant for Summer 2025, Kayla Blount! Kayla will be helping our team of instructors and on-site Health Care Supervisors throughout the summer! Kayla, a Wareham native, has been a nurse for 10 years and has held a pediatric nurse practitioner license for the past 7 years. Kayla currently spends her school year as a nurse at the Wareham Elementary School. Kayla loves this community and is so excited to be apart of this program this summer!