The Coalition is redefining the classroom by turning forests, beaches, and salt marshes into resources for children to learn and develop a life-long love for Buzzards Bay. From school programs to summer camps, our outdoor exploration programs are fun, informative, and affordable. Let our outdoor education team help your class get outside and learn!
Youth Programs
Outdoor exploration taps into a child’s natural curiosity about the world around them. The Coalition’s programs are hands-on, inquiry-based, and help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills and connect with nature, fostering life-long stewardship of the Bay. All programs are aligned with Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, and we can help integrate them with your classroom learning.
Outdoor Learning Initiative
In communities across the Buzzards Bay region, we’re working with schools and community groups to create outdoor learning spaces on or next to school properties. These spaces in forests, wetlands, and along the coast allow teachers and students to incorporate outdoor education as a regular part of learning.
Summer Programs
Summer is a great time for kids to get out and explore all that the Buzzards Bay region has to offer! Working with camp partners, the Coalition provides hands-on exploration programs for youth all across the region.

Kids discover life in forests, ponds, salt marshes, and beaches at the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s fun summer programs.
Onset Bay Center
Although the Onset Bay Center’s completion is still a year away, the Coalition will be leading another great summer of youth and family activities on Onset Bay in 2019. These activities include programming with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford/Wareham, Wareham CARE, and the Gleason Family YMCA.
These full-day programs are open to 9- to 12-year-olds. For more information and to register, please contact the Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford/Wareham (Wareham Summer Fun Program) or the Wareham Public Schools (Wareham CARE).
Bay Discovery Days
Our Bay Discovery Days bring outdoor exploration to existing camps all across the region. These two-hour programs let students dive deep into discovery and get excited about exploring their Bay.
We provide Bay Discovery Days to camps including YMCA Southcoast’s Camp Massasoit, the Kennedy Summer Day Program, the Community Boating Center, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford, and the Wareham Public Schools CARE program. These programs are supported in part by the United Way of Greater New Bedford, the New Bedford Education Foundation, and TD Bank.
Learn More
For more information about the Coalition’s youth engagement programs, contact the Coalition by email.