How Healthy is Your Water?
41.674931, -70.756969 41.671781, -70.756647 41.674143, -70.749146

Outer Aucoot Cove Snapshot

out of 100
Bay Health Index (5-year average)
out of 100

Supporting Data

There are three sampling stations on outer Aucoot Cove: Haskell Island (AC4), Shore Drive (AC5), and Converse Point (AC5A).

Outer Aucoot Cove: Haskell Island (Station AC4)
Dissolved oxygen and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in the middle of the cove, southeast of Haskell Island. (41.674931, -70.756969)
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Outer Aucoot Cove: Shore Drive (Station AC5)
Nitrogen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in the middle of the cove, just east of Shore Drive. (41.671781, -70.756647)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Outer Aucoot Cove: Converse Point (Station AC5A)
Dissolved oxygen and water clarity measurements taken from shore by wading into the water at private dock/beach. (Note: Data from this sampling station is not included in the Bay Health Index score for outer Aucoot Cove.) (41.674143, -70.749146)
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Bay Health data is funded in part by the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.
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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: