Current Issues

shoreline of Nasketucket Bay in Fairhaven

By far, the most serious challenge facing Bay restoration is nitrogen pollution coming from our homes, streets, lawns and cranberry bogs. The Bay also faces challenges from bacterial contamination, toxic pollution, and the constant threat of oil spills.

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grassy field next to Nasketucket Bay in Fairhaven

What happens on the land directly affects the health of Buzzards Bay. Healthy streams, forests, and wetlands protect clean water. But poorly planned, sprawling development leads to more nitrogen pollution in our harbors, coves, and rivers.

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do

You can make a difference for clean water in Buzzards Bay. Do your part for the Bay by taking a few of these simple actions at home, in your community, and on the water. By reducing pollution, we can all make a difference to protect our Bay for everybody to enjoy.

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Top Stories

BBC secures funds for towns to restore wetlands, while making roads more resilient to flooding

The Buzzards Bay Coalition has been working closely with area towns to identify high-priority culverts, both on freshwater and tidal streams, that need replacement; replacing these with properly sized structures can make roadways less prone to flooding, and would also foster many ecological benefits. 

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BBC and neighbors convert coastal eyesore into native landscape to absorb flooding

A deserted coastal property will be restored to its natural state, helping to control flooding in its West Falmouth neighborhood.

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Scientific American nails it with these 11 minutes on Nitrogen Pollution

Last month, Scientific American magazine and WBUR released an excellent mini-documentary on the nitrogen pollution problem. Everyone who cares about Buzzards Bay should take 11 minutes to watch it.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: