How Healthy is Your Water?
41.737639, -70.625168 41.73682, -70.62866 41.72905, -70.63116 41.73876, -70.6268

Upper Buzzards Bay Snapshot

out of 100
Bay Health Index (5-year average)
out of 100

Supporting Data

There are four sampling stations on Upper Buzzards Bay: Massachusetts Maritime Academy Pier (MMA1), Center (MMA3), Dolphins (MMA4), and Liberty Dock (MMA5).

Upper Buzzards Bay: MMA Pier (Station MMA1)
Dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from shore at Massachusetts Maritime Academy pier, next to aquaculture lab intake. (41.737639, -70.625168)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Upper Buzzards Bay: Center (Station MMA3)
Nitrogen and algae measurements taken from a boat near the eelgrass beds between Taylor Point in Bourne and Sias Point in Wareham. (41.73682, -70.62866)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Upper Buzzards Bay: Dolphins (Station MMA4)
Nitrogen and algae measurements taken from a boat near Cape Cod Canal dolphin #3. (41.72905, -70.63116)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Upper Buzzards Bay: Liberty Dock (Station MMA5)
Nitrogen and algae measurements taken from shore at the end of Liberty Dock at Massachusetts Maritime Academy. (41.73876, -70.6268)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments


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