Awareness Inspires Conservation: White Sharks in the North Atlantic
This event happened in the past.Falmouth, MA 02540
Join The 300 Committee and the Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries for their exciting Winter and Spring Speaker Series. This month, Cynthia Wigren, president and founder of Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, will present the results of her organizations research about the population of white sharks along the U.S. east coast.
Despite its well-established presence in the North Atlantic, the white shark is not considered an abundant species. Off the coast of Cape Cod, scientists have predictable access to white sharks, but rely on outside funding to conduct research. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) was established in 2012 to fund this research and promote shark education. Since 2009 Massachusetts scientists have tagged 100 white sharks with coded acoustic transmitters and/or satellite-based tracking tags to examine fine and broad-scale movements along the U.S. east coast. In 2014, these scientists began a multi-year study to estimate local and regional white shark populations in the western North Atlantic. Join this talk to learn more about our toothy neighbors.
Cost: Free