Fall Tree Walk

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
10:30am - 12:00pm
Lloyd Center for the Environment
Lloyd Center for the Environment
430 Potomska Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748

Join The Lloyd Center for the Environment for a walk on a crisp fall day! Explore the Lloyd Center property’s trails, learn what makes this forest unique, and engage in ‘get to know a tree’ activities. This program is appropriate for families with children ages five and older. Participants should bring bug spray and wear footwear for light trail walking.

Pre-registration required by 3:00 pm on Thursday, October 17th.

Cost: $5 Lloyd Center members, $7 nonmembers; Families of four, $15 Lloyd Center members, $21 nonmembers

Register Online
For more information:
Phone: 508-990-0505 x 14
Category: Lloyd Center for the Environment
Hosted By: The Lloyd Center for the Environment
Kid-Friendly Event
fall foliage at LaPalme Farm in Acushnet

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