Fort To Fort Ride

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
12:30pm - 2:45pm
17 Plaza Way
Fairhaven, MA 02719

Our specialist John Sullivan will lead a scenic and historic tour from Fort Phoenix to Fort Taber. The meet up for this event is at Staples. When participants are all present the group will proceed to Fort Phoenix where the ride will commence. This is a casual ride that is 16 miles on bike paths and lanes with an experienced guide. All levels are welcome.

Cost: FREE

For more information:
Phone: 508-999-6363 Ext. 223
Category: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Hosted By: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Bay AdventureFree Event
a smiling man bikes at Fort Taber in New Bedford

Upcoming Events

Buzzards Bay Swim
Sat, June 28
7:00AM - 11:00AM
Start: Cisco Brewers,
New Bedford
Falmouth Road Race
Sun, August 17
Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights,
Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride
Sun, October 05
Sakonnnet Point to Woods Hole,

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