From Kestrels to Grasshopper Sparrows — Conserving Bird Populations in Massachusetts
This event happened in the past.Falmouth, MA 02540
Join The 300 Committee and the Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries for their exciting Winter and Spring Speaker Series. This month, Andrew Vitz, Ph.D., state ornithologist for the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, will talk about his work to restore bird populations focusing on southeastern Massachusetts.
The American kestrel is North America’s smallest falcon. Throughout New England, these beautiful birds have been in decline due to loss of habitat and competition for nesting cavities, among other factors. Vitz is a key force in bird conservation across the state and has worked with The 300 Committee and the town of Falmouth to install kestrel boxes at several local conservation lands. Join this talk to hear the good news for kestrels and other species!
Cost: Free