Onset Beach “Clam I Am” StoryWalk®
This event happened in the past.Wareham, MA 02558
This event was reschedule for Sunday, April 18th at the same time and place, due to weather.
Come join us for fun, safe, outdoor afternoon of literacy at the beach. The Onset Bay Center is offering four StoryWalks®, in collaboration with the Wareham Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Committee, at Onset Beach and this is the second in the spring series. April’s story, “Clam I Am,” which is all about the beach and marine organisms. Geared towards younger kids, this book is an easy read to get the whole family excited about visiting the beach.
The story will be set up in stations along Onset Beach where you and your family can drop-in and walk through at your own pace. Along your journey, the OBC staff and volunteers will provide tidbits about the local sea life and different ways to explore this special place. Rakes and waders will be provided at the end to learn how to quahog. The StoryWalk® can be assessed in four different languages, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Arabic.
Important Details: The starting point for the StoryWalk® at Onset Beach will be at the Onset Bay Center, located at 186 Onset Avenue. Parking is available at the Onset Pier, at this time. When you arrive, please check in with the staff at the beginning of the stations. Pre-registration is not required. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. We ask that all participants please wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between your family group and other family groups. Please note: there may be a wait time as other families move through the stations.
This program is part of “Wild for Wareham,” a collaboration by the Wareham Land Trust, Mass Audubon, and Buzzards Bay Coalition’s Onset Bay Center for a full week of outdoor activities that highlight all that Wareham has to offer, during school vacation (April 17 – 24, 2021).
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library.
“This program is supported in part by a grant from the Wareham Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.”
In partnership with:
Cost: FREE