Marsh Paddle in Fairhaven

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
9:00am - 12:00pm
Hacker Street Launch
Hacker Street Launch
8 Hacker St. Fairhaven, Ma
Fairhaven, MA

Meet us at the boat launch at the end of Hacker St. Bring a spare pair of clothes just in case.  We will explore the Marsh and its wildlife. The salt marsh in spring is bursting with life from fiddler crabs to great blue herons, it is a feast for the eyes and ears. This is a bring your own boat event.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Phone: 7176833608
Category: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Hosted By: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Bay AdventureFree Event

Upcoming Events

Buzzards Bay Swim
Sat, June 28
7:00AM - 11:00AM
Start: Cisco Brewers,
New Bedford
Falmouth Road Race
Sun, August 17
Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights,
Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride
Sun, October 05
Sakonnnet Point to Woods Hole,

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