Mid-Winter Owl Prowl
This event happened in the past.Dartmouth, MA 02748
Are you fascinated by owls? Do you enjoy a good old fashioned New England winter morning, especially before sunrise? If so, this outing with the Lloyd Center scheduled during hours of peak owl activity is for you! Owls are mysterious and fascinating creatures that become more vocal as they establish nesting territories across an otherwise quiet winter landscape. Screech, great horned, and barred owls are all resident species possibly encountered in the woods of Dartmouth.
Using the Lloyd Center property and other local stops, we’ll venture onto woodland trails in an attempt to attract, hear, and see owls. To close out the walk, enjoy a spectacular sunrise at Gooseberry Island before visiting Horseneck Beach, a prime location to view snowy owls.
Back at the Lloyd Center, warm up with some coffee, and enjoy an encounter with Koko, our resident screech owl. Since seeing a wild owl is never a guarantee, this is an added bonus!
Participants should bring (if available) binoculars, camera, and flashlight, and wear footwear for light walking on forest trails, and possibly snow.
(Note: stormy weather or excessively windy conditions will cause postponement; rain date is February 9.)
Cost: $15 Lloyd Center for the Environment members, $19 nonmembers