Special Event: Seal and Seabird Cruise to Cuttyhunk
This event happened in the past.New Bedford, MA 02740
New Date: 4/10
Watch for wintering seals and seabirds in Buzzards Bay. Join us for a cruise with the Cuttyhunk Ferry Company and the Lloyd Center for the Environment’s birding expert, Jamie Bogart, to search for and learn about these playful mammals and our visiting seabirds as we explore the waters of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound.
After seal viewing, the boat docks at Cuttyhunk for lunch and an opportunity to set foot on the island. At this point, participants are free to venture through town on their own to the lookout to gain a feel for the unique landscape and enjoy a panoramic view. Patrons may also join a Lloyd Center staff member for a guided walk along the beach or to the lookout.
The trip will leave New Bedford at 10am and depart Cuttyhunk at 1pm, landing us back in New Bedford around 2pm.
Due to COVID restrictions, lunch, snacks and beverages will NOT be available.
Participants NEED TO BRING their own lunch, snacks, beverages to enjoy on the island because no stores are open on the island.
Please note there is an indoor heated area, but for best views you will want to move around and spend time on the deck. Please dress warmly and bring extra layers. Some binoculars will be provided, but if you have a pair please bring them with you.
Free for children ages 12 and under.
Note: This cruise will be cancelled in the case of foul weather, at the discretion of the boat captain. Should we cancel, all registered participants will be notified by phone and email, and will receive a ticket refund.
Cost: Member - $45, Children - $30, Become a Member Today - $50, FREE for low-moderate income New Bedford residents