Staycation at the Sawmill: Winter Wildlife Tracking!
This event happened in the past.The Sawmill
32 Mill Road
Acushnet, MA
Acushnet, MA
Look for animal tracks and other traces of animals in winter! Identify domestic creatures, like dogs and cats and wild animals like deer, raccoons and wild turkeys. Or try your hand at identifying more difficult tracks like foxes and noticing the difference between squirrel and rabbit tracks. Download this resource as a self-guided tool for February vacation fun.
The Sawmill in Acushnet is a great place for this activity. However, you also can try it closer to your home. To find places near you, visit Discover Buzzards Bay, our resource for more than 260 places around the Bay and its watershed.
Please remember to wear a mask and practice social distancing while visiting The Sawmill and other reserves and outdoor spaces.
Cost: Free