Wading for Wednesday

time This event happened in the past.
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
Shell Point Beach
Shell Point Beach
Wareham, MA 02558
Latitude: 02558 41.737646
Longitude: -70.664233

Come wade with us as the tide flows out, leaving a sand spit at Shell Point for us to scratch for our local favorites: quahogs. We will enjoy views of Onset Bay and our beloved salt marshes. Waders and rakes will be provided and all ages (8 and up) are welcomed. If you have your own waders or muck boots, please wear them. Low tide will be ten minutes before sunset at 4:14 p.m. so we will get to enjoy the colors of the day flowing over the Bay as we wrap up. Dress warmly and in layers and wear your mask. Registration is mandatory as numbers for the program remain at 10 families or individuals. Parking is available at Shell Point.

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Cost: Free

For more information:
Category: Buzzards Bay Coalition, Onset Bay Center
Hosted By: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Free EventKid-Friendly Event
a group of women holding clams

Bay Adventures!

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7:00AM - 11:00AM
Start: Cisco Brewers,
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