Waggin’ Walk in Myles Standish

time This event happened in the past.
Sunday, January 09, 2022
Bently Pond Loop, Myles Standish State Forest
Bently Pond Loop, Myles Standish State Forest
Upper College Pond Road
Plymouth, MA 02360
Latitude: 41°51'30.4"N
Longitude: 70°39'44.2"W

Join Tim Riendeau, Certified Professional Dog Trainer, of Harmonious Hounds that serves Greater New Bedford, will be leading a 1.5 or 3.7 mile dog walk depending on the group in beautiful Myles Standish, along the Bently Pond Loop.

Dogs must stay on leash and owners can come learn tips and tricks for your dogs.

Registration is limited to 10 people, ages 12 and up.

Since there is limited service in the park, here are written directions:

Myles Standish is between Exits 3 and 5 off Route 3 in Plymouth. From the south, take Exit 3, turn left on Clark Road. After 1/3 mile, turn right on Long Pond Road. After 2.5 miles, turn left into park on Alden Road. After 1.4 miles, bear left on Upper College Pond Road. Stay on Upper College Pond Road for 2.5 miles to “Hike and Bike Trails” parking lot on right near intersection with fire road Three Cornered Pond Road. From the north, take Exit 5, turn right onto Long Pond Road. Follow Long Pond Road for 4 miles to park entrance and then continue as above.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Category: Friends of Myles Standish State Forest
Hosted By: The Buzzards Bay Coalition
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Upcoming Events

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7:00AM - 11:00AM
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