Walking through Winter: Agawam River Trail
This event happened in the past.1:00pm - 2:00pm
Agawam River Trail
20 Knowles Ave.
Wareham, MA 02538
Wareham, MA 02538
Does the winter weather have you feeling down? Do you miss spending time outside? No need to wait for spring to get outdoors and enjoy the natural world around you!
Join the Buzzards Bay Coalition and the Wareham Land Trust for a series of winter walks focused on local wildlife. If we have enough snow, we’ll don snowshoes and make our way down the trail in wintry style. If you need to borrow snowshoes, please get in touch with us to see if we have any to loan!
During January’s walk we’ll look for wildlife along the Agawam River Trail, like migratory birds overwintering in the wetlands.
- December walk: Tweedy and Barnes (12/9)
- January walk: Agawam River Trail (1/13)
- February walk: Great Neck Conservation Area (2/10)
- March walk: Horseshoe Mill (3/3)
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 999-6363 x219