Winter Morning Out Hike at Myles Standish
This event happened in the past.7:45am
Myles Standish State Forest
194 Cranberry Rd.
Carver, MA 02330
Carver, MA 02330
Enjoy the winter season by getting out and hiking in it. Join the Appalachian Mountain Club for a Sunday morning hike at Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth/Carver. Combining the flat, pond-side East Head Loop and the hilly, wooded Bentley Loop will give us about 7 miles of beautiful trails. We’ll plan on a moderate pace to complete the hike in about 3 hours. Once we’re done, we’ll still have the rest of the day for other things.
Meet at the forest headquarters parking lot. Registration is not required, but email the leader with questions or concerns. If we have snow, the hike will become a snowshoe and the distance will be adjusted. There is no hunting in the state forest on Sundays, but bring blaze orange anyway.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (617) 943-4288