Youth Sailing- Summer Session 8

time This event happened in the past.
August 15, 2022 - August 19, 2022
Onset Bay Center
Onset Bay Center
186 Onset Ave
Wareham, MA 02571

The OBC’s Youth sailing program is a weekday, morning program from 9 AM until 12 PM for 8-12 year old’s. It includes formal group sailing lessons aboard our fleet of sailing craft. This session is designed for children with minimal or no previous sailing experience, with the goal of helping all participants become comfortable and knowledgeable while sailing. Instruction includes basic sailing skills, parts of the boat, rigging, capsize recovery, basic navigation, and knots. It is intended to provide the opportunity for discovery, learning, and play in a dynamic nautical environment. In addition to nautical skills, the program encourages children to develop characteristics such as team work, self-reliance, and responsibility through activities on and off the water. Participants are required to be comfortable in open water while wearing a lifejacket.

Cost: $150 with scholarships available

For more information:
Phone: (508) 999-6363 ext. 283
Category: Onset Bay Center
Hosted By: Onset Bay Center
Kid-Friendly EventOnset Bay Center

Upcoming Events

Buzzards Bay Swim
Sat, June 28
7:00AM - 11:00AM
Start: Cisco Brewers,
New Bedford
Falmouth Road Race
Sun, August 17
Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights,
Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride
Sun, October 05
Sakonnnet Point to Woods Hole,

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