Buzzards Bay Swim Registration Opens
On Saturday, June 28, hundreds of people will participate in the 32nd annual 1.2-mile open water swim across outer New Bedford Harbor benefiting the Coalition. If you would like to join in this momentous event, register now at to sign up. If you had signed up for the 2024 swim, which was cancelled, you are entitled to a free registration this year, but you still have to sign up. Swimmers, look out for an email later this week with registration information.
The first wave goes off at 7:15 am from Cisco Brewers Kitchen & Bar, 1482 East Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford. Assisted by a robust safety patrol, swimmers navigate 1.2 miles through the harbor and channel, passing between the iconic Butler Flats Lighthouse and New Bedford Hurricane Barrier. Swimmers are welcomed at the finish in Fairhaven with a beach party featuring live music, cooked-to-order pancakes, hot coffee, and local beer at Fort Phoenix State Reservation, Fairhaven.
Register as an individual, join an existing team, or consider starting a team yourself. You will be joining a vibrant community of fellow swimmers, making new friends, and enjoying your shared passion for the Coalition’s mission as you raise funds to help us carry out the important work we do.
Watch future Bay Buzzes for profiles of veteran swimmers of the event in our recurring “Why I Swim” features.

Participants in the Buzzards Bay Swim