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a mother and two daughters snowshoeing through the woods
Posted · By Brendan Buckless

If you’ve never gone snowshoeing or cross-country skiing before, this year’s snowy winter is the perfect time to give it a try!

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A tug escorts an oil barge through Cape Cod Canal

In the fight to keep strong oil spill protections, Buzzards Bay recently won a big battle. The federal government has withdrawn its request to reopen a case challenging the Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention Act.

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Deb Hood

As event manager, Deb will plan, organize, and lead the Coalition’s signature outdoor fundraising events: the Buzzards Bay Swim and the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride.

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sunset over Red Brook Harbor in Cataumet

By building a new private wastewater facility, a Cataumet marina is planning to eliminate a major source of nitrogen pollution – septic systems – from its neighborhood on the shores of Red Brook Harbor.

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four harbor seals hauled out on a rock in Woods Hole
Posted · By Brendan Buckless

It’s exciting to go seal watching in winter! But there are a few things you should keep in mind so you and these animals stay safe and happy. Read these five important tips about seals in Buzzards Bay.

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a tug towing a barge into Cape Cod Canal

Single hull vessels are now officially banned from transporting oil through U.S waters as of January 1, 2015.

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three East Fairhaven Elementary School students find a salamander on the nature trail behind their school
Posted · By Brendan Buckless & Tanya Creamer

The East Fairhaven Elementary School trail is a new mile-long path that will connect students, teachers, and the community to the natural resources in their own backyard.

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shoreline of Nasketucket Bay in Fairhaven

This week, the Coalition completed the Nasketucket Bay Land Conservation Project, forever protecting more than 400 acres of fields, forests, and shoreline in Fairhaven and Mattapoisett. It’s the largest land conservation project on Buzzards Bay in 25 years.

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two young women walking through the woods at The Sawmill in Acushnet

The day after Thanksgiving is a great time to take a walk outside. You can stretch your legs, walk off a big meal, and spend some more quality time with your loved ones.

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oil spill in New Bedford Harbor

Since 2010, the Coast Guard has recorded at least one reported oil spill in New Bedford Harbor every month. Over 60 percent of these were “mystery spills" where no responsible party was ever identified.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: