Three hundred fifteen swimmers dove into outer New Bedford Harbor early on the morning of Saturday, June 30 to celebrate clean water in Buzzards Bay during the Coalition’s 25th anniversary Buzzards Bay Swim.
Craig Hartigan, Toffer Winslow, Jonathan Simmons, and Erik Nelson regularly cycle together around Boston. This year, they're bringing that shared passion coastal.
After a two-year Coalition-led effort, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation has purchased land surrounding a historic quarry and forest and wetland habitat essential to local biodiversity.
Shell Point Bay marshes in Onset will soon become a destination for paddling, boating, fishing, and exploring, now that the Coalition has permanently protected this threatened coastal property as part of its developing Onset Bay Center.
New staff members Rebecca Vasa, Maureen Thomas, Christine Gurdon, and Claudia Geib will help the Coalition continue to supply high-quality science and engage more people in Southeastern Massachusetts with their corner of Buzzards Bay.
At its 30th Annual Meeting on May 19, the Coalition celebrated another exceptional year of accomplishments and honored three Buzzards Bay Guardians who have given outstanding service to the Bay’s cleanup, restoration, and protection.
Longtime swimmer and Dartmouth resident Nancy Smith first participated in the Buzzards Bay Swim in 2000 and hasn’t missed a year since. Since then, Nancy has recruited other local swimmers to take the plunge with her.
Court decision upholds the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission’s 2015 enforcement order requiring that a Seabreeze Lane homeowner restore filled wetlands and buffer zone along Eel Pond, one of Buzzards Bay’s most delicate coastal salt ponds.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: