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woman crossing the finish line at the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride

The Ride was hugely successful, raising more than $90,000 to support the Coalition’s work.

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aerial photo of seagrasses along the coast of Tampa Bay

The triumphant return of seagrasses to Tampa Bay proves that it’s possible to protect clean water, even in places with millions of people and countless pollution threats.

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Wickets Island in Onset Bay

The centerpiece of Onset Bay is a wooded, 4.6-acre island called Wickets Island. The Coalition is working to protect Wickets Island for people to explore and enjoy.

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kids playing in the woods on the East Fairhaven Elementary School Trail

After a long day sitting in a classroom, kids can usually use some fresh air. So why not head outside after school for a family walk?

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large piece of foam in a salt marsh on Brandt Island Cove in Mattapoisett

A Mattapoisett salt marsh littered with pieces of polystyrene foam will be cleaned up by the marina that caused the pollution, according to a recent agreement between the marina owner and the Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection.

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a woman holds up a blue crab to show two young girls

If you’re looking for a fun, easy, and inexpensive activity to do with your kids, then we have one word for you: crabbing!

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a man holding his water testing sampling pole and kit on Buttermilk Bay

Over the past 24 years, volunteers have taken a snapshot of the water's health through the Baywatchers program. Now, scientists are looking at the Coalition’s Bay Health data in a new light.

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grassy field next to Nasketucket Bay in Fairhaven

Today, the Coalition welcomed representatives from the federal government, state government, and the towns of Fairhaven and Mattapoisett to celebrate a partnership that has protected more than 400 acres of beaches, salt marshes, forests, fields, and coastal farmland.

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old dam at Horseshoe Mill on the Weweantic River in Wareham

The Buzzards Bay Coalition has received a $45,000 grant from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust to take the first steps to restore important habitats for fish and wildlife on the Weweantic River.

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beach chair on a Buzzards Bay beach in Fairhaven

Some of these Buzzards Bay beaches are crowd favorites, while others are hidden gems waiting for you to discover.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: