The process of installing a nitrogen-reducing septic system can be daunting and expensive. Our guide walks you through the installation process, provides contacts for local engineers, and updates you on available financing tools.
Devon Bolt, student at Northeastern University, reflects on her time as a Research Assistant with the Coalition as part of Northeastern's Co-Op program.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition has commissioned Newport’s IYRS School of Technology & Trades to construct a new replica lifeboat for the Horseneck Point Life-Saving Station.
Two key projects, one complete and one in progress, will preserve a total of 436 acres of land in the Mattapoisett River Valley and Dartmouth’s Paskamansett River Valley, protecting local public drinking water supplies.
Over a decade in the making, a new report entitled “Cranberry Agriculture and Water Quality in Buzzards Bay'' addresses the role that cranberry bogs play in the management of nitrogen and phosphorous in our region.
This fall saw 260 enthusiastic students disembarking from school buses and stepping onto the shores of Buzzards Bay, ready for a full day of immersive outdoor learning at the Onset Bay Center.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: