Over the past 24 years, volunteers have taken a snapshot of the water's health through the Baywatchers program. Now, scientists are looking at the Coalition’s Bay Health data in a new light.
Today, the Coalition welcomed representatives from the federal government, state government, and the towns of Fairhaven and Mattapoisett to celebrate a partnership that has protected more than 400 acres of beaches, salt marshes, forests, fields, and coastal farmland.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition has received a $45,000 grant from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust to take the first steps to restore important habitats for fish and wildlife on the Weweantic River.
Populations of river herring – a small, silvery fish that form an important link in the food web – were down across Buzzards Bay’s rivers this spring despite increases in other parts of southern New England.
Paddling hits the perfect notes of exploration, adventure, and fun. Whether you’re an expert kayaker or a novice trying out a paddleboard for the first time, put in at one of these 5 spots around Buzzards Bay.
Long Island’s bays and rivers are suffering from the harmful effects of nitrogen pollution – and for those of us on Buzzards Bay and Cape Cod, this familiar story is a cautionary tale.
Whether you’re training for the Buzzards Bay Swim or simply enjoying your favorite beach — swimming in open water is great exercise and good old-fashioned fun.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: