Celebrate the new year by exploring the newest places on Discover Buzzards Bay

In 2019, the Buzzards Bay Coalition hit an exciting milestone. We reached a total of 250 Places To Go on Discover Buzzards Bay, our online tool that helps local residents find unique and exciting ways to explore the outdoors, get some exercise, and connect with nature.

A family walking down the trails at Aquinnah Headlands Preseve

With 76 new places added to Discover this year, you can pick somewhere new to explore every week of 2020, like Aquinnah Headlands Preserve on Martha’s Vineyard.

If you’ve used Discover before, you know that this free resource provides a portal to hundreds of outdoor adventures across the Buzzards Bay region. Our goal is to make it easy for anyone — of all ages, interests, and abilities — to find something to love outdoors around the Bay. Each page is rich with all the information you need to get exploring, including useful maps and photos of what makes each place special.

We added 76 new places to Discover this year, providing somewhere to explore in every town around the Bay from Little Compton to Aquinnah. As we welcome a new year and a new decade, we hope you’ll celebrate by picking one of these places to spend some time outdoors and appreciate all that Buzzards Bay provides.

Tiverton & Little Compton

  1. Goosewing Beach Preserve
  2. P.T. Marvell Preserve
  3. South Shore Beach
  4. Simmons Mill Pond Management Area
  5. Wilbour Woods


  1. Horseneck Point Life-Saving Station
  2. Brookside Conservation Area
  3. Dunham’s Brook Conservation Area
  4. Emma Tripp Landing
  5. Forge Pond Conservation Area
  6. Headwaters Conservation Area
  7. Mill Pond Conservation Area
  8. Old Harbor Wildlife Refuge
  9. Westport Woods Conservation Park


  1. Knowles Beach
  2. New Bedford Garden Club Reserve
  3. Paskamansett Woods & Gidley Farm
  4. Wernick Farm

New Bedford

  1. Allen C. Haskell Public Gardens
  2. Gifford Street Boat Ramp
  3. Pope’s Island Marina
  4. Pulaski Park


  1. J. Keating Woods


  1. Carvalho Farm
  2. Edgewater Street Boat Ramp
  3. Egypt Lane
  4. LeRoy L. Wood School Trail


  1. Mattapoisett Town Wharf
  2. Munro Preserve
  3. Old Aucoot District


  1. Aucoot Woods: White Eagle
  2. Aucoot Woods: Radio Tower
  3. Goldavitz Bog
  4. Grassi Bog Conservation Area
  5. Hagemann Woods


  1. Haskell Swamp Wildlife Management Area
  2. Hartley Wildlife Management Area
  3. Rochester Town Forest
  4. New Bedford Waterworks


  1. Savery Avenue Conservation Land


  1. Agawam Mill Pond Boat Launch
  2. Broad Marsh Conservation Area
  3. Marks Cove Conservation Area
  4. Onset Town Pier
  5. Wickets Island


  1. Davis-Douglas Conservation Area


  1. Bassetts Island
  2. Great Herring Pond Boat Ramp
  3. Monument Beach Marina
  4. Nickerson Conservation Area
  5. Red Brook Harbor Boat Ramp
  6. Taylor Point Marina


  1. Bourne Farm
  2. Breivogel Ponds Conservation Area
  3. Cardoza Farm
  4. Collins Woodlot
  5. Frances A. Crane Wildlife Management Area
  6. Goodwill Park
  7. Long Pond & Falmouth Town Forest
  8. Kelly Woodland
  9. Kettle Holes Conservation Area
  10. Mock Moraine Trail & Eaton Preserve
  11. Nobska Lighthouse
  12. Northern Moraine Conservation Area
  13. Flume Pond


  1. Penikese Island
  2. Bull Island
  3. Barges Beach
  4. Kettle Cove Beach
  5. Tarpaulin Cove Beach
  6. Weepecket Islands
  7. West Beach

Martha’s Vineyard

  1. Menemsha Hills
  2. Moshup Beach
  3. West Chop Woods
  4. Aquinnah Headlands Preserve

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It’s your Bay, so get outside and enjoy it! From hiking and biking to fishing and paddling, you can discover Buzzards Bay at dozens of parks, trails, and beaches near you. Whatever your fancy, you’ll find it here on Buzzards Bay.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: