The national Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) recently awarded the Buzzards Bay Coalition its 2021 Coastal Stewardship Award for the breadth and depth of its programs to protect and preserve Buzzards Bay.
A life-long love of the water led Lee Hayes to plan a legacy gift to the Buzzards Bay Coalition that will continue his support and commitment to the Bay and land conservation for years to come.
The newly launched Onset Bay Shellfish Project seeks to draw attention to the importance of the region’s shellfish―the economic and environmental benefits that shellfish provide as well as what’s needed to maintain healthy habitat for the fishery.
Fifty swimmers dove into outer New Bedford Harbor early Saturday morning to celebrate clean and healthy water in Buzzards Bay during a special post-pandemic version of the annual Buzzards Bay Swim.
The Baywatchers water quality monitoring program started its 2021 season in late May, marking its 30th season of operation and making it one of the nation’s longest running and largest water quality monitoring efforts involving citizen scientists.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: