When you stop to appreciate the view, remember that all of these ponds are somehow linked to Buzzards Bay: whether through streams, via groundwater, or simply as part of the web of life in our region.
When people hear about cuts to federal and state conservation funding, this is what we risk losing: clean water, natural landscapes, wildlife habitats, healthy outdoor recreation, and the quality of life in our communities.
The Coalition has donated its pumpout equipment from the R/V Baykeeper® to the town of Marion to create a mobile pumpout service for boat owners around Sippican Harbor.
Forests are one of the key secrets behind the Bay’s relatively good health. To protect clean water for future generations, we need to protect these forests.
Because it’s fun to have a little bit of a scare around Halloween, visit one of these 6 spots around Southeastern Massachusetts for a great walk and a spooky story.
Two years from now, the Weweantic River’s rich populations of migratory fish will once again be able to swim freely to their freshwater spawning areas when the crumbling remnants of a dam are removed from the Coalition’s Horseshoe Mill property in Wareham.
Skies were clear, sunny, and blue as a record 226 cyclists raised over $143,000 for clean water at the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride on Sunday, October 1.
From Snipatuit Pond to Mattapoisett Harbor, you can follow the course of the Mattapoisett River by taking a walk, paddle, boat trip, or picnic at these 11 places.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: