Globally, more than 90 percent of the nitrogen used to produce meat and dairy products, along with 80 percent used to grow plant-based foods, is lost to the environment.
At its 28th Annual Meeting in Onset, the Coalition celebrated an exceptional year of accomplishments and honored three outstanding guardians of Buzzards Bay.
Three months, 97 emails, and 26 generous donors later, Bob Milne raised $1,080 for the Coalition at the 2015 Buzzards Bay Swim. It was an overwhelming show of support for Bob’s fitting tribute to his girlfriend's father.
In April and May, striped bass begin to return to our shores – and so do the fishermen and women who love to catch them. Try your hand at catching a striper, tautog, or scup this spring at one of these spots around Buzzards Bay.
In a field of 250 swimmers at the 2015 Buzzards Bay Swim, sisters Rachel Ashley and Rebekah Ashley Rubin crossed the finish line in 73rd and 74th place, respectively. But this is the moment they remember.
This conservation partnership has led to the protection of 50 acres on Angeline Brook, forever preserving some of Westport's unique and threatened habitat for rare native sea-run brook trout.
As the official volunteer coordinator for Buzzards Bay, the Coalition is your first call to find out what you can do in the event of a major oil spill.
By offering free pumpouts and inspections to commercial fishing vessels, the Clean Bilge program is preventing small oil spills in New Bedford Harbor before they happen.
Citizen scientists of many different ages and backgrounds come together each year from May to September in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, eager to help monitor the bay’s health.
There’s a lot to explore — and love — around Buzzards Bay. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we asked land trusts from Westport to Falmouth to share their favorite places.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: