Partnering with P.J. Keating Company, Coalition adds 21 acres to expanding Acushnet River Reserve
The Acushnet River Reserve continues to grow – this month, the Coalition partnered with the P.J. Keating Company to add 21 acres to this expanding network of protected forests, fields, and wetlands along the river.

The Coalition partnered with the P.J. Keating Company to protect 21 acres of forests and wooded wetlands to add to the growing Acushnet River Reserve.
The 21-acre property, called P.J. Keating Woods, is mostly made up of mixed upland forest and wooded wetlands with a view of the Acushnet River. It was purchased from the Lunenburg-based P.J. Keating Company, whose Acushnet quarry and asphalt plant is located across South Main Street from the property.
“The P.J. Keating Company is deeply invested in the Acushnet community, and this collaboration has allowed us to give back in a way that benefits the river and the environment,” said P.J. Keating Company President Jonathan Olson. “We’re proud to do our part to save Buzzards Bay by partnering with the Coalition.”
Preserving riverfront land as part of the Acushnet River Reserve helps protect and restore the health of the river and its wildlife habitats. The reserve also includes popular outdoor places such as The Sawmill and LaPalme Farm in Acushnet. Last year, the Coalition added another 9 acres to the reserve with the protection of land along Hamlin Street across the river from historic White’s Factory. In total, over 125 acres are now forever protected from Marsh Island to Hamlin Street as part of the Acushnet River Reserve.
Over the coming years, the Coalition will develop trails at P.J. Keating Woods so members of the community can enjoy outdoor walks there – just like at The Sawmill and LaPalme Farm.
Funding to cover the $25,000 purchase price of these 21 acres was provided by the New Bedford Harbor Trustee Council, which oversees the restoration of natural resources that have been affected by toxic PCB contamination in New Bedford Harbor.