Volunteer Spotlight: Renee Domagala

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Renee Domagala, a New Bedford resident and member of many local community organizations, has volunteered on the Coalition’s reserves with Land Stewardship, on the road at the Watershed Ride, and as a member of the Kayak Safety Squad at the Buzzards Bay Swim.

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“Since recently retiring and having additional spare time to hike at the Acushnet Sawmill and other Coalition properties, I became more aware of the need for volunteers.

The catalyst that inspired me to volunteer was one particular hike through the Sawmill, where there happened to be a BBC volunteer event happening. I engaged in conversation with a Coalition staff member, which in turn inspired me to get involved in doing good for others and giving back to the community.

My favorite part of volunteering is the feeling of being a part of something so much bigger outside of family and friends, and having a sense of accomplishment, all while meeting some fantastic people with the common bond of outdoor activity.

My first major event with the Coalition was the Buzzards Bay Swim. I was part of the Kayak Safety Squad and assisted in helping a swimmer in distress.  Though you really don’t expect it to happen, the team had us well prepared and aware of just what to do if a situation occurred. It did make a huge difference.

All the Coalition’s properties are so beautiful and unique, so it makes it difficult to point out a favorite.  I tend to visit the Sawmill and LaPalme Farm most often due to the convenient location from my home, so for that reason I favor those spots.

Since I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, kayaking, and exploring new areas of interest in and outside of my local area, the Coalition is the perfect place for me to volunteer.

Over the years I have traveled extensively, including all 50 states, both North and South America, and some of the other continents. Future plans do include additional travel.

It has been a pleasure to meet many of the Coalition employees, fellow members and volunteers, and I look forward to future events and a successful 2023!”

Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: