West Falmouth Harbor Protection Advances with Conservation of 10 Acres of Coastal Lands
There are few places left on Cape Cod like the land south of West Falmouth Harbor, where acres of sparsely developed salt marsh sprawl out among forest, shrub-filled heath, and sand dunes. A land deal secured by the Buzzards Bay Coalition and The 300 Committee Land Trust will help ensure this unique and beautiful landscape continues to sustain vitally important habitat.

The land deal protects over 2,000 feet of shoreline on West Falmouth Harbor and a neighboring salt pond.
Over the last several months, the Coalition worked with the owners of a large property off Chapoquoit Road to secure a conservation restriction on the land surrounding their home. The property will remain privately owned, and the owners will retain the right to alter or reconstruct the current house. This conservation restriction ensures that the bulk of the land will be protected from subdivision or development.
Additionally, this work has inspired a neighbor to donate a conservation restriction on three acres of their own property.
The resulting 10 acres of conserved land includes undisturbed wetlands and coastal forest, and protects over 2,000 feet of shoreline along West Falmouth Harbor and a neighboring salt pond. This creates a uniquely large area of conserved land around West Falmouth Harbor, one of the Bay’s highest-risk water bodies.
Over the last 25 years, West Falmouth Harbor—a local haven for sailing, swimming, fishing, and natural beauty—has seen steadily worsening health due to nitrogen pollution. Nitrogen pollution leads to cloudy water and algal blooms, which make it impossible for shellfish and eelgrass beds to thrive.
By conserving forest and salt marsh around West Falmouth Harbor, this project not only supports important habitat for fish, birds, and wildlife—including designated rare species—but also creates an important buffer that will prevent pollution from reaching the harbor and flowing into Buzzards Bay.