Birch Island Conservation Area
Nestled in an elbow of the Weweantic River, Birch Island Conservation Area isn’t actually an island. But with river views peeking through the pines in nearly every direction, you could be forgiven for mistaking it for one. This town-owned conservation area is located next to the Coalition’s Horseshoe Mill, creating a network of trails that are popular with hikers in Wareham.
With soft, hilly trails and glimpses of the Weweantic River at every turn, Birch Island is a place where everyone can enjoy the outdoors. The town of Wareham protected this land in 1972; since then, local outdoor enthusiasts have come to Birch Island to fish in the river and explore the woods.

Look low for toads, wildflowers, and other unique sights at Birch Island Conservation Area.
The main trail at Birch Island Conservation Area loops through the property in a wide circle. Altogether, you can spend an hour or more walking the trails along the river’s edge here and at neighboring Horseshoe Mill. (Download trail map)
Starting at the parking area, follow the trail until you reach the main loop. The trails are blanketed with pine needles in many places, and they climb up and down gently rolling hills. Several smaller trails off to the side lead to fishing spots and scenic river views.
Habitats & Wildlife
The pine forest at Birch Island provides shelter for animals large and small, from rabbits and opossums to white-tailed deer. You can also search the forest for songbirds. Near the edge of the river, look for many species of wintering waterfowl feeding on the Weweantic’s rich fish and plant life.