Rogers Street Waterways Access Facility
A bustling summer boating spot, the Rogers Street Waterways Access Facility in Dartmouth provides paddlers and boaters with access to the open waters of Clarks Cove. This town-owned public boat ramp is a great place to begin a paddling, rowing, or sailing adventure on Buzzards Bay.

The boat ramp at Rogers Street in Dartmouth is sandy with some rocks, so take care when launching watercraft.
Launch a small boat, kayak, or paddleboard from the shoreline access point on Rogers Street into Clarks Cove and Buzzards Bay. Because the boat launch area here is rocky and shallow, it’s best for cartop boats, small sailboats, and paddlecraft.
In the summer, there’s lots of unique boating activity happening at this spot. The Community Boating Center, a facility that teaches local youth about boating, operates next door. And the Azorean Maritime Heritage Society rows and sails authentic Azorean whaleboats from the center’s private pier.
Habitats & Wildlife
Clarks Cove is an excellent place for fishing and paddling, particularly on summer mornings when the water is flat and calm. On clear days, you can see across Buzzards Bay to the Elizabeth Islands. While paddling on the cove, keep an eye out for herons, terns, and ospreys in the summer. In winter, migratory waterfowl like brants often raft out on the water’s surface.