Silvershell Beach
At the end of Front Street in Marion lies Silvershell Beach, a crescent of sandy shoreline along scenic Sippican Harbor. With calm waters, a playground, and a grassy park, this town beach is a summertime haven for local families to enjoy warm, sunny days by Buzzards Bay’s shores.

With sandy shores and shells galore, Silvershell Beach is a perfect place for local families to explore.
Pretty views and peaceful waters define Silvershell Beach, a town-owned beach that’s open to residents of Marion and Rochester. Locals enjoy this beach every summer to swim, snorkel, and celebrate the season. The adjacent grassy park has basketball courts, volleyball courts, a playground, and a concession stand, making Silvershell an ideal family beach.
But don’t ignore Silvershell Beach outside of summer. In the off-season, the beach opens to canine visitors, so it’s a popular location for neighbors to take their dog for a walk – and a swim!
At the far end of the parking lot, there’s a small concrete boat ramp where paddlers and small boats can launch onto Sippican Harbor. Paddle south across Spragues Cove to explore the tidal creeks and marshes of Stewart’s Island, which is protected by the Sippican Lands Trust.
Habitats & Wildlife
Silvershell Beach has sandy shores with rock jetties, where curious kids can look for crabs and fish hiding in the crevices. True to its name, Silvershell Beach is an excellent place to search for shiny, colorful shells like scallops, slipper shells, and mermaid’s toenails.
Across the parking lot from the beach lies an innovative system of constructed wetlands that helps protect clean water and shellfish beds in Spragues Cove. This stormwater wetland system, built in the mid-1990s with help from the Buzzards Bay Coalition, treats polluted runoff from local roads to reduce harmful bacterial contamination in the cove. Lots of birds, including ducks, egrets, and herons, also use this wetland as habitat.