Swifts Neck Beach
Situated on a wide bend of the Wareham River near its mouth at Buzzards Bay, Swifts Neck Beach is a perfect place for Wareham residents to spend a peaceful day swimming or combing the shore. The long, sandy shoreline at this town beach is a great spot for kids to search for creatures hiding in the mud flats and beach grasses.
Swifts Neck Beach is a cozy neighborhood beach in a residential community in West Wareham. With a mixture of sand and grass along the shore, the beach has a natural feel that’s fun for kids to explore. At low tide, muck around the tide pools to find clams and hermit crabs peeking up from the muddy sand.

Search the muddy flats at Swifts Neck Beach with your kids to find cool creatures like hermit crabs, grass shrimp, and seaweed.
There’s a concrete boat ramp at Swifts Neck Beach, where boats can launch into the Wareham River at high tide. (At low tide, only low-draft boats should launch here.) From Swifts Neck Beach, anglers can easily reach the rich fishing grounds of the Cape Cod Canal. You can also go quahogging in the shallows (with a Wareham recreational shellfish permit) or launch a kayak from the shore to explore Swifts Neck’s tidal creeks.
Day passes and shellfish permits must be acquired from the Town of Wareham Department of Natural Resources. They are open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Day passes can be purchased in advance.
Habitats & Wildlife
With its wide, open waters that transition from salt water to fresh, the Wareham River hosts a variety of water birds throughout the year. Like most other beaches, gulls are a ubiquitous presence. But look for more unique species here too, like buffleheads and brant geese in winter. Take a break from swimming to walk the shore, and you might spot tiny hermit crabs scurrying across the muddy sand.