West Falmouth Harbor Landing
For boaters of all stripes, West Falmouth Harbor Landing on Cape Cod is an excellent spot to launch. With a ramp, dock, and parking, this town-owned public landing on charming West Falmouth Harbor makes it easy to get your boat or kayak into the water for a day of fishing, sailing, or paddling Buzzards Bay.

Launch from the boat ramp at West Falmouth Harbor Landing for a day of fishing and boating on Buzzards Bay, just beyond.
West Falmouth Harbor is loaded with Cape Cod character – from the American flag flying high over the town dock to the cedar shake homes lining the harbor’s shores. For boaters, it’s the perfect place to set off on a Buzzards Bay adventure.
Launch your boat into this picturesque harbor from the ramp at West Falmouth Harbor Landing, and then park your vehicle and trailer at the nearby lot by the Shining Sea Bikeway. At the town dock next to the boat ramp, small boat owners can keep a dinghy tied up for easy access to the harbor.
Habitats & Wildlife
From West Falmouth Harbor, boaters can easily cruise toward the open waters of Buzzards Bay. There’s excellent fishing just beyond the mouth of the harbor, particularly in spring when striped bass run. Make sure to follow all posted speed limits in the harbor to help protect sensitive underwater eelgrass meadows.
For paddlers and rowers, West Falmouth Harbor offers fascinating habitats to explore. Head north into the salt marshes along Mashapaquit Creek to discover a quiet tidal creek. Or paddle south toward Harbor Head and find sandy dunes loaded with fiddler crabs opposite Chapoquoit Beach.